Convrg Participates in the CERIN Electrical Generation Technology Showdown

When it comes to innovation and sustainability in the oil and gas sector, Convrg Innovations is committed to contributing to a new era of innovation and sustainability through our gas-to-power technologies.

Our participation in the CERIN Electrical Generation Technology Showdown was a pivotal moment in our ongoing journey to positively impact the energy landscape. This competition brought together six gas-to-power technologies, each vying to make a significant impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and advancing sustainability in the Canadian oil and gas industry.

The Quest for Sustainable Solutions

The core objective of the Electrical Generation Technology Showdown was to test and assess gas-to-power technologies capable of converting waste gas streams, particularly methane, into a reliable source of electricity. This isn’t just about reducing greenhouse gas emissions; it’s about harnessing the untapped energy potential of the oil and gas sector’s wasted resources.
Our EPOD AP6 units, in conjunction with three other technology vendors, were put to the test.


The research revealed that our unit attained the highest level of electrical efficiency among all the systems examined. The EPOD AP6 not only generates electricity for both on-site and off-site applications, but also effectively minimizes pneumatic methane venting. This makes it a robust and enduring choice for mitigating methane emissions.

At Convrg, our commitment to innovation and sustainability remains unwavering. Stay tuned for more developments as we continue to pioneer change in the energy sector. Read the full report here: CERIN Final Public Phase 3 Report CanERIC or contact us to learn more.

EPOD AP6 unit used for the CERIN Electrical Generation Technology Showdown

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